While enrolled in Interaction Design II (the class this project was created in), I also took Prototyping II (or Advanced Prototyping). This course heavily emphasized the importance of the 8-point grid and auto layout in user interface design. I was eager to apply this knowledge to our project. However, as the only Prototyping student in our team of four, explaining these concepts comprehensively within the timeframe proved challenging, particularly with auto layout.
Unfortunately, our final design doesn't fully adhere to the 8-point grid or utilize auto layout to its full potential. While I assisted teammates with auto layout, balancing this with creating hi-fi mockups and iterating based on user feedback limited my ability to address every screen without it.
Moving forward, I'll inquire about my teammates' familiarity with the 8-point grid and auto layout early on. This will allow me to provide relevant resources and assistance before diving into project specifics.